Sunday, May 15, 2011

I am strong

I was sitting and thinking: Why do people are afraid to express their emotions? Why it is so difficult to say exactly what you feel at the exact moment when you feel it? Why we tend to hide our thoughts, emotions and feelings? Don't get me wrong, I am the same kind. I find it difficult to say 'no' to people, because I do not want to dissapoint them , so most of the times I am just being polite and find myself expressing emotions I do not even have.

So I was thinking and thinking, and looking back on my experience, and I still do not have answers for all my questions. Why is it so difficult to say "I miss you a lot" to someone who you really REALLY miss? I assume it is because we think that the person will think: ''Oh, ok, I got him/her, now he's/she's like a sissy and he/she misses me''... Have you ever thought about that, before saying these words to someone? Hi5...

But have you ever think about the other person - the person who will recieve these words? How these words will REALLY make that person feel? Isn't is - happiness, joy, feeling that someone needs the person in this life, feeling that you are important to someone? What about those feelings?

I guess it is always easier to be neutral and do not show that you have any kind of emotions. It is the easiest solutions, because noone will ever say - YOU ARE SO EMOTIONAL (and most of the times they call you emotional when you express your feelings, and if you do that - that means - you are weak). So if you do not express them - you are strong - and noone ever gets upset, if someone says - you have a stone heart - it is considered more like a compliment.

But as usual - I am staying positive, I am trying to express my feelings and emotions there and then - and I believe it will make my life better, and I do not believe that stereotype. I AM STRONG.

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